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Get to know TCNI

Threshold Christian Network International is a non-denominational Not-for-profit (Christian) organization, Registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria and incorporated under companies and allied matters act 1, 1990, part c. Threshold Christian Network International (TCNI) is not affiliated to any other organization legally or otherwise. However, TCNI associates and collaborates with other Christian Organizations and ministries whose objects are in consonance with our vision and values. We are currently collaborating with Churches, Student Ministries, National and International Missions Movements, Donor Agencies, Mission agencies and youth organizations in fulfilment of our mission.

Our Vision

We see a movement of Africa’s young people serving Christ in the nations.

Our Mission

To ignite and revive Christlike influence in Africa’s young people; equipping them to lead the transformation of their nations.

Our Programs

We deploy several projects and programs, led collaboratively across boards to actualize our vision.


Through Manifest, AriseEclesia, Nvision & Seminars


Leaders Trained
Through our Summits & Seminars


On Missions. Leadership & Discipleship distributed


+ Evangelized
Through short-term partnership crusades


Team Members
Board members, Staff, Volunteers & Associates

Our Values

Spiritual Formation

We commit to personal and corporate spiritual disciplines that strengthen our fellowship with God in pursuit of Christlikeness.


We uphold and practice prayer as a proven means of advancing God’s mission and our commission.

Evangelizing the ‘Unreached’

We commit to owning, modelling, and mobilizing as many believers as we can especially our target group for the evangelization of the Unreached Peoples Group of the world.

Local Churches

We believe in the Local Churches as God’s primary mission agency and commit to partnering with Local Churches. All Staff, Volunteers and Board Members will remain actively committed to their Local Churches.


We commit to partnering/collaborating/networking with Churches, agencies and organizations, Networks and movements whose objects are in consonance with our mission and values.


We seek to model and advocate for the mentoring of younger leaders: to be like, to be with and to do like our Lord and Model - Jesus Christ.


We value whole commitment to and all-time faithfulness to God, and faithful stewardship in managing all resources entrusted to the organization.


We strive to be the best we can be, to do the best by using the best means in all we do.

Join our team and make a lasting impact on the world.

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