Welcome to TCNI

Equipping Young people to transform Nations

We are passionate about the unique potentials of Africa’s young people. There is an army rising from Africa to fulfil the Great commission and transform the nation. In partnership, we are raising this army.

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Our Vision

We see a movement of Africa’s young people serving Christ in the nations.

Our Mission

To ignite and revive Christlike influence in Africa’s young people; equipping them to lead the transformation of their nations.

Our Programs

We deploy several projects and programs, led collaboratively across boards to actualize our vision.


Through Manifest, AriseEclesia, Nvision & Seminars


Leaders Trained
Through our Summits & Seminars


On Missions. Leadership & Discipleship distributed


+ Evangelized
Through short-term partnership crusades


Team Members
Board members, Staff, Volunteers & Associates
How we do what we do

Our Platforms, Projects & Outreaches.

Leadership Development

Through periodic Summits, Academy, Itinerant training, Schools campaign, Youth groups engagement we are taking leadership development even to those with the least access. We are raising tomorrow’s leaders today.

Missions Mobilization

Through our diverse mobilization initiatives, we proclaim the Gospel unto salvation, and the Great Commission as the primary purpose of the Church and the ultimate responsibility that comes with salvation for every believer.

City Teams

We are taking our programs, packages and platforms nearer to the constituencies we serve - young people and the Church. You maybe a walk away from the priceless opportunity to revive or ignite your Christlike influence.

Impact 2027 Project

We see huge opportunities in Africa’s youth bulge. Africa’s young people will shape and impact the future of Africa, the world, and the great commission. We invite you to join us maximize this unprecedented opportunity.

Find Our What it is
Join us in our mission to transform Africa

Support our Projects

Goal: $5,000 | Raised: $0

Leadership Development

Sponsor Discipleship Materials

Help us produce leadership and discipleship materials for our outreaches around the continent.


Goal: $20,000 | Raised: $5,000


Educational Support

For every child, early moments matter. Help us empower more schools to train students


Goal: $15,000 | Raised: $10,000


Donate to TCNI Running Cost

Help us foot our adminstrative budget for the year.


Upcoming Events

June, 2020

Personal Development Webinar

08.00 a.m. | Online

Join us online for 2 hours of intensive life transformation that...

Event Details
News and Updates

Latest Articles

Crossing Cultures amidst Covid-19

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No better time to invest in yourself

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